Guinness Glass Engraving. Get in early for this one. Get a Guinness pint engraved with your custom message.
Join us on this night to get a personalized engraving on your very own Guinness Imperial Pint Glass to take home with you.
The event will take place from 11am-2pm but supplies of the glassware will be limited. Please get in early to get your spot.
While you are here having brunch and a few pints waiting for your fresh new glassware, you will also be entertained by some great soccer action. Us being soccer mad like we are, we have coordinated this event at the same time as some Premier League matches.
Here is the Sunday Schedule: 9am: Manchester United vs Bournemouth Leicester City vs Wolverhampton Fulham vs Southampton Everton vs Chelsea 11am: Liverpool vs Tottenham What a day!!!